My Office, My Home - Kasey
To our team, their office can become a second Home. In this blog series, we explore different spaces around CHOY's campus to peek into the day-to-day lives of our team members.
Kasey is part of our development team. She spends her days helping fundraise for the important work that CHOY does. She also coordinates all our social media accounts to help share exciting news and what is going on here at Home.
My Grad Cap
"I graduated from York College of Pennsylvania with a degree in History. My thesis was on Hamilton: An American Musical. It only felt fitting to include it on my cap. Other than my work, my passion in life is music. It felt great to include both in one of my biggest accomplishments."
My Pens
"I like to be very organized. I color-code everything. All of my pens have different purposes, so I like to keep them very close."
My Christmas Decor
"Christmas is my favorite time of year. I always keep a couple of decorations up to stay cheerful. This one in particular is supposed to look like a Little Debbie's Christmas Tree Cake, my favorite holiday snack."
My Door
"The decorations on my door are an extension of myself and what I care about. These are my two cats, Annikan and Boba Fett. The two signs are for my favorite sport, Formula 1 Racing.
To learn more about Kasey and the rest of our team, please visit our website at
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